Service, Partnership and Leadership

The Bowie Lions is committed to serving youth. We collaborate with community groups to provide school supplies and do seasonal yard work at the Lions Camp Merrick. We partner with youth in service, providing opportunities to meet student service learning hour requirements. Lions strive to inspire and empower the next generation, providing leadership experiences through such Lions sponsored activities such as the Leo Club at Tasker Middle School and our Peace Poster contest. Lions-sponsored youth programs invest in the future of our communities by reaching out to young people. 

Leo Club

In 2021, the Bowie Lions chartered their first Leo Club at Tasker Middle School. Despite the pandemic restrictions in the year of their founding, the Leos found many ways to provide service to their community and to the environment. Leo Club members created public service announcements about various environmental issues. They tracked their efforts to be Green@Home, and participated in the Trex recycling program. In the spring, the Leos participated in the city’s annual Stream Clean Day. For more information about Leo Clubs, email, or check out the Leo page on the Lions Club International website.

Camp Merrick

The Bowie Lions proudly sponsors Lions Camp Merrick (LCM)  through both on site activities and financial support. LCM provides youth with special needs a loving and caring environment where everyone can participate. The campers are involved in outdoor activities such as canoeing, a challenge course, archery, fishing, nature walks, swimming, and storytelling by the campfire, basketball, baseball/softball and various indoor arts and crafts.